10. Use a toothpick to apply a little petroleum jelly to
the threads in the blind nuts inside the fi rewall to prevent
excess epoxy from clogging up the threads. (Any material
that remains can also be removed with a 6-32 tap later.)
11. Chop 3" – 4" [80 – 100mm] of Dave Brown carbon
fi ber tape into 1/8" [3mm] segments.
12. Mix approximately 1 oz. [30cc] of 30-minute epoxy,
then mix in the chopped carbon fi ber.
13. Apply the epoxy/carbon fi ber fi llets to the joints
between the fuselage sides and the bottom of the wing
bolt plates and to the landing gear area as shown. You
can dip your fi nger in denatured alcohol to smooth and
form the fi llets as you go.
14. Mix up another batch of epoxy/carbon fi ber. Using
the hole in the fi rewall for access, apply fi llets all the way
around the joint of the back of the fi rewall and the fuselage
sides and top and bottom—don’t worry too much about
getting excess epoxy into the blind nuts in the back of
the fi rewall—if necessary, a drill and 6-32 tap can be run
through the blind nuts to clean them out later.
15. After all the epoxy has hardened, clean out the wing
bolt holes and the landing gear bolt holes with 10-24 tap.