Install the Ruddervator Servos
1. If using the recommended servos that come with
side tabs, carefully remove the tabs as follows:
A. First, use a razor saw to score or cut most of the
way through the tabs—of course, use extreme care not
to cut into the servo wires where they exit the case!
B. Then, break off the tabs with pliers.
C. Use a stick with sandpaper to remove any
remaining tab material and smooth the edges.
2. If necessary, enlarge the openings in the servo trays
to fi t your servos, then test-fi t the servos—if the cutouts
do require cutting, remove material from the
end of the
3. Cut the included
3mm lite-ply strip into
segments and glue
them to the bottom
of the servo trays for
screw doublers.
4. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes for the servo mounting
screws, temporarily mount the servos, remove the screws,
and add a few drops of thin CA to the screw holes. We’ll
remount the servos into the tray later.
5. Test-fi t, then securely glue the servo trays into the