8. Remove the prop and spinner. Look inside the cowl
through the air inlets. Be certain you will be able to access the
five cowl mounting screws around the cowl ring with the
extended 3/32" [2.4mm] ball end hex wrench included with this
kit. (Note: After the cowl has been glued to the cowl ring,
access holes will be cut in the bottom of the cowl for the bottom
two screws). If any of the screws are concealed by the engine
(or will be concealed by the muffler when it is in position), those
screws will have to be relocated. If any screws do have to be
relocated, proceed to the next step. If not, proceed to step 11.
9. Any cowl mounting screws that cannot be reached
from outside the cowl with the extended wrench will have to
be relocated using the included 1/8" [3mm] plywood
mounting tabs and spacers. Glue the tabs and spacers to
the cowl ring where necessary so you will be able to access
the screws through the front of the cowl. Four sets of
mounting tabs are provided.
10. Using the holes in the tabs as guides, drill 7/64"
[2.8mm] holes through F-1. Remove the cowl ring. Enlarge
the holes in F-1 only with a 9/64" [3.6mm] drill. Install new
4-40 blind nuts (included) by threading one onto a 4-40
pushrod. Add a drop of epoxy to the flange of the blind nut,
then, from inside the fuselage, guide the rod through the
hole in F-1. Pull the blind nut into the wood on the back of F-
1. Unthread the rod, then use a 4-40 x 1/2" [13mm] socket
head cap screw and several washers to fully draw the blind
nut all the way in. Install the rest of the blind nuts the same
way, then mount the cowl ring with the screws.
Okay, we’ve got the cowl ring mounted to the fuselage
and we know the cowl will align with the spinner, so it’s
time to glue on the cowl!
11. Use a few paper towel squares dampened with
denatured alcohol to remove any residue left over from the
molding process from inside the cowl where the cowl ring
will go. Use coarse sandpaper to roughen the inside of the
cowl in the same area. This will increase the bonding
strength of the epoxy when gluing the cowl to the cowl ring.
12. With the cowl ring mounted to the fuselage with the
screws, slide the cowl into position. Mount the prop and
spinner. Align the cowl with the spinner just as was done
before (providing adequate clearance). Stand the fuselage
vertically on the trailing edge of the fin. Rest the fuselage
against your workbench or other stable object.
13. Use a 12" [300mm] strip of basswood, hard balsa or
something similar that can be used to apply epoxy to the
cowl ring down inside the cowl. Round one end of the stick.
Mix up a batch of 30-minute epoxy and microballoons. Be
certain to use plenty of microballoons to thicken the epoxy
so it does not leak past the cowl ring and get onto the
fuselage (a one-to-one ratio is appropriate). Immediately
proceed to the next step.