Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 11/2008
The horns can now be glued in the slots after connecting the pre-formed end of the
pushrods to them. Slip the plain end of the pushrods through the swivel connectors.
Roughen the joint surfaces of the horns before gluing them in place permanently.
Set the ailerons and the servos to centre, then tighten the cheesehead screws in the
swivel connectors to secure the linkage. Apply a drop of thread-lock fluid to the
screws to prevent them working loose, then snip of excess pushrod material using a
pair of side-cutters.
Locate the openings for the landing flap servos and open them up in the usual way.
Lengthen the servo lead using the stated extension lead, and secure the connection
to prevent it coming adrift. Draw the servo lead through the wing. Repeat the
procedure with the other flap servo. Fix the servos in the wings using the retaining
screws, rubber grommets and metal spacers supplied in the servo accessory packs.
Locate the slots for the flap horns with your fingertips, and remove the covering film
over them as already described. Install the horns and the pushrods as described for
the ailerons.
Set the landing flaps to the “retracted” end-point, and set the servos to centre.
Connect the pushrods to the swivel connectors and tighten the retaining screws.
Secure the screws with thread-lock fluid in the usual way.
The next step is to install the motors in the nacelles. At this point you have to decide
whether to fit electric motors or glow motors.
The first variant is for electric power, and this is described here:
Drill holes in the two firewalls to accept the motor mounts; the diameter should suit
the shank size of the captive nuts. Press the captive nuts into the holes so that their
flange rests flat on the back of the firewall. Apply a few drops of cyano to prevent
them falling out.
Fit the firewalls between the motor mount side panels, as shown in the photo, and
tack the joints with a little cyano. Note that the firewall must engage in the notches at
the front.
The triangular fillets can now be glued in the corners on both sides.
Allow the glue to set hard, then install the two electric motors as follows: screw the
motor mount (supplied in the set) and the propeller driver to the motor. The screws
must be secured with a drop of thread-lock fluid to prevent them working loose. Fix
the motor to the firewall using the cheesehead screws supplied with the motor.
Extend the leads attached to the speed controller using suitable cable (adequate
cross-section); do the same with the controller lead which runs to the receiver. Place
the speed controller between the side panels behind the motor.