12. Hardware system configuration
The SD cards will pop out after a little press on the card itself. The ‘Alarm’ SD card is located at
the left (slot 1), the ‘Alert’ SD card at the right (slot 2).
12.7 External signal input & Alarm signal output:
External signal input:
The external signal input can be used to route an emergency signal from an external Voice Alarm
system into the ECU unit. When the input contact is activated (closed), the audio signal connected
to this input will be routed to all zone outputs. As this line is monitored (requires calibration of this
input), add below resistor network to the contact closure and make sure the impedance of the
connected source is between 200 - 1000 ohm (add a parallel resistor to the source to match the
impedance if above 1200 ohm).
It is possible to select a pre-announcement for the External signal input: make sure to take the
length of this pre-announcement into account before an external system routes its messages
to this input. This External signal could also be used for other applications like a school bell: by
using an external timer one can trigger the pre-announcement (bell tone), which will be routed
to ALL outputs. Make sure to set the duration (of the contact closure output) of the external
timer long enough to complete playback of the internal message. The External signal input can
only be used if an emergency panel is connected to the ECU unit.
Alarm signal output:
The Alarm signal output will provide the Alarm or Microphone message during an emergency
situation. A potential free contact closure output (NO) will be activated. This can be used to
route the emergency signal to external PA/VA systems.
12.8 Error input & Alarm/Error output contacts:
Add below resistor network to ALL error input contact to ensure a proper monitoring (requires
calibration of these inputs) of the line:
Mains fuse input:
used to indicate 230 VAC mains failure. Connect to the eXentro Charger
C48and eXentro power amplifiers ’230 VAC error output’ contact and/or to the error contact of
230 VAC circuit breakers, (optionally) used in the system (for mains power circuits). The ECU unit
will indicate a general error and it will display a 'Mains Fuse error' when this input is activated. For
more info see also eXentro PA power amplifier manual.
External error input:
connect to the error output contact of an external Voice Alarm system,
Redundancy modules or other components in the VACIE. The ECU unit will generate a general
error and it will display an 'Ext. error' when this input is activated.
this contact/resistor configuration is used
to indicate errors from external devices, however
the eXentro ECU will also monitor this line for
'Short circuit' & 'Open line', which, when such a
situation occurs, will also display an error type
indicating 'Short circuit' or 'Open line'.
External signal
Error switch
Error switch
4.7 kOhm
4.7 kOhm
4.7 kOhm
4.7 kOhm
Source impedance:
200 – 1000 ohm