11. Emergency panels
Please note that:
If more panels are connected (of the same type), use the ID (RS485 address) setting to set
individual priority for microphone announcements. Priority handling of alarm messages is
only determined by the panel type.
Although a Fire Panel has the highest priority in the system, to give an emergency panel
a higher priority, change its panel type to Fire Panel (dipswitch 1) and set its RS485 address
to higher priority (1= highest, 32 = lowest).
Up to 32 emergency panels, spread on both panel busses, can be connected to a single ECU unit.
when an emergency panel is connected to an ECU slave unit these can only announce
into zones of the ECU it is connected to and into ‘lower’ Slave units. Priority handling of ‘slave’
connected panels is equal as if connected to an ECU master unit. Emergency announcements
activated from an emergency panel connected to a Master unit always have priority over
announcements from emergency panels connected to a Slave unit ; a microphone announce-
ment from any panel type connected to a slave ECU unit has lower priority and will be stopped
when an alarm signal is activated from any panel type connected to a master ECU unit!
11.6 eXentro FP/EP ZE module
Card to expand a Fire or EVACuation panel with 12 zone buttons. The FP/EP housing allows
expansion of 1 module. When more of these ZE modules are needed, use the optional (19”)
housing for the EP to expand up to 4 of these ZE modules. When more buttons are needed, an
additional (19”) housing can be used to expand up to 6 of these ZE modules. Each button can
be programmed to route the emergency signal to 1 or a group of outputs, using the computer
software. A red led indicator shows the status of each of the 12 buttons: when the button is
pressed the LED illuminates. When on another panel in the system a button with the same ID is
pressed (and announcement is activated), this particular LED will illuminate on all other panels
as well (the ALARM indicator will also be illuminated on all other panels). For the FAS, a separate
version of this module (without button front panel) is available. On the PCB of this module a
header is located to drive external LEDs and another header is located to use contact closure
inputs for zone selection (instead of the buttons used in a FP/EP). For 24 VDC control of the 12
inputs and relay contact outputs per buttons/contact input, optional plug in cards are available.
Text card:
the text card behind the front foil can be removed and replaced with a custom text card.
eXentro FP/EP ZE module