Temperature Settings
A and B Material Temperature
There is one Viscon HF 5400 watt heater for heating
each material while in circulation or while dispensing.
These heaters are digitally controlled to your specific
setpoint temperature.
The Supply screen controls and displays the setpoint
and actual temperature.
Set the desired A and B temperature. The box next to
the target is the setpoint. The number next to the
thermometer is the actual temperature.
to turn on the A and B primary
procedure for pre-heating procedure to use
prior to spraying.
Hose Bundle Temperature
Set the desired hose bundle temperature on the supply
Be sure the knob on the Viscon HP hose heater (the
middle of the three heaters on the front of the system) is
turned fully clockwise (full ON position). Always leave in
the full ON position. Heater has a separate digital
control module in the junction box.
The heater will heat the water/glycol mixture to 180°F
(82°C) as needed until the hose bundle gets up to the
desired temperature. It will then run at whatever
temperature is required to maintain the hose setpoint
to turn the hose bundle heater ON or OFF.