HMI Operation
Shot Size Screen
(Motor Driven PD44 Only)
This section describes the Shot Size screen for
the Motor Driven PD44 only. See page 20 for the LRT
PD44 Shot Size screen.
Select Shot Size/Flow Rate Combination
Use this to change the selected shot by entering a num-
ber between 1 and 7. The selected shot size and flow
rate is shown in the Shot Size (percent) section and
Flow Rate (mm/sec) section.
Number of Strokes
This displays the number of shots of material when the
machine is dispensing.
For example, if the purge shot size is set at 150%, Num-
ber of Strokes displays a “2”, and the Amount Per
Stroke % displays “75.00”.
Amount Per Stroke %
This displays the stroke per shot in percent of stroke.
For example, if the purge shot size is set at 340%,
Amount Per Stroke % displays “85.00” and Number of
Strokes During Purge displays a “4”.
Shot Size (percent), Flow Rate (mm/sec)
These are the 7 preset Shot Size (percent) and Flow
Rate (mm/sec) values. Shot size is in percent of stroke.
The preset values can be selected using Select Shot
Size/Flow Rate Combination.
To edit the preset Shot Size or Flow Rate values, log-in
as the supervisor. See Main Screen, page 16.
Below is the minimum and maximum field allowance for
this design.
Shot Size:
Minimum = 2.5%
Maximum = 500.0%
Flow Rate:
Minimum = 0.50 mm/second
Maximum = 25.00 mm/second
Erratic operation results if the shot size value entered is
not greater than the absolute value of the Shot Size Off-
set setting. For example, if the Shot Size Offset setting
is -1%, a shot size greater than 1% must be entered.
See Supervisor screen, page 34.