Device Description HG G-71912-A | English, Revision 03 | Date: 28.03.2018
Chapter 6 – Software
Figure 21
Update program: Operational elements
Start the programmng by turning on the antenna and clicking on
10 seconds. A device reset follows and the file is transmitted shortly after it.
Figure 22
Update program: Programming
After a successful programming you can close the program. The interpreter now uses the
new program.
2 Choose the serial interface and baudrate
1 Choose the hex file you want to
5 Status
4 Start the programming
6 Close the program
3 This option always has to be active
If any errors occur during the trans-
mission you will se red status lines.
As long as all status lines are green,
everything is okay.
The last two lines of a correct update
ProgramFlash: Ok
CloseCom: Ok