Device Description HG G-71912-A | English, Revision 03 | Date: 28.03.2018
Software – Chapter 6 D(e)coding
Figure 20
Menu D(e)coding
In this menu some parameters which are important for the decoding can be set.
As the transmission of the codes of trovan™ transponders is only ensured by the simple par-
ity check, two further strategies were implemented:
The highest four bits can be checked for a default value (0 F) at RW transponders.
This value can be fixed here with
and then must be programmed also correspond-
ingly into the transponders together with the desired code. When the value is higher
than F the check is switched off.
For RO and RW transponders the number can be chosen between 0 and 15 of codes
to be compared with
. Any received code is immediately put out when entering 0,
at 1 a received code is compared etc. with the previously received code. Note that
due to this method, the at highest possible crossing speed sinks since the necessary
duration of a transmission is now (n+1) x 8 ms.
you can decide, from which voltage on the code decoding starts in order to prevent
decoding when the signal is too weak.
You can execute a reference transponder test with
. The result can be found in the system
status word (in the status line E) or by entering
in the main menu (in plain text). CS(V) Output
For diagnosis purposes the output of the values code, sum S, D, the status of the transpon-
ders in the field, Code OK, POSIPulse (see Table 8 on page 20), number of code readings
and a telegramm reader in CSV format (Comma Seperated Values; especially suited for
readings of spreadsheet deriving from text files) can be started.
The output is carried out with 38,400 bauds, 8 bits and even parity until it is ended by a key-
stroke. A reset is triggered after the keystroke and the antenna is again in the normal mode
(not monitor mode) with the stored parameters.
S:0026 D:+0029 Code: 000fffff Read: 114 E: 0120 N: 0 Ftx[Hz]:128000
(H)igh-Nibble of RW-Code [0..F,>F]: 10
(N)umber of equal Codes [0..15]: 1
(T)hreshold for Decoding [10.1023]: 200
(R)eference Transponder Test
(Q)uit Menue