Device Description HG G-71912-A | English, Revision 03 | Date: 28.03.2018
Chapter 6 – Software
With the menu "(
)isplay Telegram Content" you can check the generated telegram (see
Figure 15). In the shown case, the mask has the value 0000.003F. Press any key to get back
to the menu
Serial Output
Figure 15
Output: "(D)isplay Telegram Content"
The parameter "(
)har Delaytime" is in procedure 3964R is active the delaytime of the
characters (see appendix chapter B „Procedure 3964R“ on page 48) and when transparent
procedure is active the time out values for input characters (see appendix chapter C „Pro-
cedure "transparent"“ on page 49).
the permanent output according to the value set with
can be activated (1) or it
will only be realized when a transponder is decoded in the field (2).
By using
the period of the serial output can be set. When changing the duration and the
baudrate of the configurated telegram has to be considered (calculation see Figure 12 on
S:0024 D:+0026 Code: 000fffff Read: 114 E: 0120 N: 0 Ftx[Hz]:128000
STX 1 Bytes from Position: 1
CODE 4 Bytes from Position: 2
SUM_1 2 Bytes from Position: 6
DIF_X 2 Bytes from Position: 8
CodesRd 1 Bytes from Position: 10
ERROR 2 Bytes from Position: 11
(Q)uit Menue