Parameter List
Parameter List
Parameter List
Parameter List
And NRPN explanation
On this parameter list, there are an NRPN 99 (parameter MSB) and an NRPN 98 (parameter LSB)
number. These numbers indicates the NRPN parameter number of each of Anamono’s parameters.
All of these NRPN numbers are in hex format.
Anamono controlled in 7 bit NRPN mode:
When the NRPN parameter on the MIDI edit page are selected to be 7b (7 bit), Anamono needs the
following data to adjust a parameter:
-MIDI controller 99 (parameter MSB – see parameter list).
-MIDI controller 98 (parameter LSB – see parameter list).
-MIDI controller 6, a 7 bit value.
The parameter selected by MIDI controller 98 and 99 are immediately updated, when receiving the
MIDI controller 6 value, and Anamono will write the parameter name and value in its display for
about a second.
Anamono controlled in 14 bit NRPN mode:
When the NRPN parameter on the MIDI edit page are selected to be 14b (14 bit), Anamono needs
the following data to adjust a parameter:
-MIDI controller 99 (parameter MSB – see parameter list).
-MIDI controller 98 (parameter LSB – see parameter list).
-MIDI controller 6, a 1 bit value. Only the LSB bit of this value are used.
-MIDI controller 38, a 7 bit value, which sets the 7 LSB bits of the value.
The LSB bit from the controller 6 value and the 7 LSB bits from the controller 38 value, are
assembled to a complete 8 bit value, which Anamono needs for full range parameter control. The
LSB bit from ctrl 6, are the MSB bit of the final value.
The parameter selected by MIDI controller 98 and 99 are immediately updated, when receiving the
MIDI controller 38 value, and Anamono will write the parameter name and value in its display for
about a second. If it only receives the controller 6 value, nothing will happen in this mode.
On many of the parameters there are also a MIDI controller number. This is the controller number,
which is hard-assigned to the specific parameter. Some of the controller numbers are prefixed with
”primary” or ”secondary”. This means, that the specific parameter are only controllable via MIDI if
the specified primary/secondary controller group are selected on the MIDI edit page.