Explanation Of The Edit
Explanation Of The Edit
Explanation Of The Edit
Explanation Of The Edit
The Oscillator 1 and 2 Pages
Anamono does have separate settings for oscillator 1 and 2, but since these settings are equal,
except for the keyboard on/off parameter, which only affects oscillator 2, they are both explained in
this one section.
The oscillators in Anamono are, together with the external audio input if wanted, creating the basic
building block for the sound. It is also the osillators, that dictates the basic pitch of the sound.
All Anamono waveforms has a certain number of harmonics. The sound is shaped by filtering out
some of these harmonics, using the analogue and digital filters, and by adding other harmonics,
using the ring modulator, oscillator sync and the analogue overdrive.
The oscillators waveforms are continiously variable from sine to triangle to saw to square to noise.
The wave-shaping can be modulated from all 16 modulation sources. All waveforms can be
pulsewidth and pitch-modulated.
Edit 1 – Oscillator wave shape:
Value 0 to 255, 0: sine, 64: triangle, 128: saw, 192: square, 255:
Edit 2 – Oscillator wave shape modulation:
Value –128 to +127. A negative value inverts the
modulation source.
Encoder - Oscillator wave shape modulation source:
Value: Any of the 16 modulation sources.
1 OSC 1
Wave. Mod. Sorc
X Saw + 0 Mod1
2 OSC 2