Edit 1 – Granulator/delay total time:
Value: 0 to 255. Max time 1.5 second, minimum time 22,9
micro second.
Edit 2 – Granulator/delay total time fine adjust:
Value: 0 to 255.
Encoder – Granulator number of fragments:
Values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. Adjusts how
many fragments (grains), the granulator will cut the incoming audio signal up in.
Edit 1 – Granulator/delay feedback:
Value: 0 to 255. Adjusts how big a portion of the effected
signal will be fed back to the granulator/delay input.
Edit 2 – Granulator/delay playback direction:
The normal forward playback mode
The effected signal will play back
Encoder – Granulator re-arrange sequencer step mode:
Each step in the re-arrange sequencer can be time-stretched.
Each step in the re-arrange sequencer can be de-tuned.
2 Time. Fine. Frgm
X 255 36 16
3 Feed. Dir . Mode
X 73 Fwd strc