Step 12: Rock Wall
1: Find eleven 5/4 x 6 x 23-7/8” rock wall boards, and one 5/4 x 6 x 23-7/8” bottom rock
wall board(1 hole).
2: Starting from the top, place one rock wall board on top of the rock wall sides, flush to
the top of the rock wall sides, and attach with two 2” wood screws in each side.
3: continue down the rock wall with the remaining rock wall boards, fastening each
board with two 2” wood screws on each end.
4: The final board will be the bottom rock wall board with one hole. Attach with two 2”
wood screws per side.
5: In some cases, there will be excess length on the rock wall sides. This is due to
milling variations, and is also used to help level the rock wall sides on uneven ground.
6: Rock wall sides may not be even with the bottom rock wall board due to milling
variations and wood shrinkage.
2” wood Screw.
5/4 x 6 x 23-7/8”
Rock Wall Board
5/4 x 6 x 23-7/8”
Bottom Rock Wall Board
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