Light does not switch
off and/or light swit-
ches on spontaneously
when no one is present
Wait for time delay (self-learning);
thermal sources of interference in the detection
area: fan heaters, incandescent lamps/halogen
spotlights, moving objects (e.g. curtains hanging in
open windows)
Push button does not
Device still in the start-up phase; illuminated
button was used without neutral conductor;
Push button not fed to the master. <Terminal S3/P
assignment> parameter set to "Parallel".
Light cannot be swit-
ched off with the push
Push button not fed to the detector. Check wiring
to the push button. <Terminal S3/P assignment>
parameter set to "Parallel".
Lighting does not react Short circuit or interruption in the DALI bus. Electri-
cal surge in the DALI bus: Disconnect the detector
from the supply network for 1 minute (thermal
Error flashing
(4 x per second)
Error in self-test;
device not properly functional!
LED is on and flashes
off briefly 2 x every 3 s
Detector does not recognise DALI ECGs. Check DALI
connections. At least 1 DALI ECG must be connec
ted to the detector. Short circuit in DALI bus.
Master/Master par-
allel switching is not
Detectors and buttons are not connected to the
same external conductor. <Terminal S3/P assign
ment> parameter is not set to "Parallel".
11. Dimensions diagrams
12. Contact
Glamox AS
BU Norway
Hoffsveien 1C
0275 Oslo
Postboks 163 Skøyen
0212 Oslo