Made in Germany
NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
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© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
ings appear „real time“ for the diagram displayed on the screen. This way one can
see the impact of the selected criteria on the number of marked edges.
When clicking the „ok“ button the type and value selected will be used further on. If
you select the menu „set edge steepness“ again the default criteria will be restored.
[this is still ‘under construction’]
Convert Units
This is meant to present the data measured through CH 4 input in the actual units of
the probe or instrument connected. As an example, you can present a HF recording
in µW/m² or in V/m. This comes as an additional presentation, not replacing the
measured data.
This window will be simplified and units often used for quick selection added.
nT > mG
This function permits to convert a channel from nanotesla into milligauss. After the
conversion the drop-down will show as „mG > nT“. Using it again the conversion will
be reset to the original one. The program will detect automatically, in which unit the
data have been recorded and show the drop-down accordingly.
The first two items in the dropdown menu have been explained already.
Create KML-File
This is needed to the plugin for the connection of GPS-data, NFA logs and Google
Earth (currently in beta stadium). This feature will be described in detail as soon as it
runs smoothly.