Made in Germany
© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
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NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
= Socket for the grounding cable
Allows the connection of a grounding cable for an E-field measurement vs. reference
potential earth (in compliance with TCO). This will be detected automatically by the
instrument and the display will be changed to “E-field against ground” correspond-
Socket for the TCO-conformed probe at the front end
This is for the TCO-conformed probe available as an optional accessory from Giga-
hertz Solutions. It will also be automatically detected.
5.4 Mode = Selection of Measurement Mode
Together with the selector switch for the field and the button
„Mode >“ it enables to select all measurement and display
options of the instrument. Technically absurd selections will
be detected and indicated by “Err.“ on the display, until the
selection is rectified.
When set to
the NFA recognizes probes connected
to it, and shows the corresponding values. If no probe is con-
nected to the instrument, it shows the selected 3D field type.
With a click on the button “Mode>” it switches from one dis-
play to the other, that is the connected probe (if so) or the
resp. other field. The respective values which are being meas-
ured “in the background” are signalised by a short blinking of
the corresponding unit-LED. .
= Display of the individual frequency
bands or the exact frequencies of these frequency bands
Selection of the individual frequency bands
or the cyclical presentation of all bands
is done by the button “Mode”. For more details of this feature please see chapter
= Capacitive body coupling
The signal generated by connecting a hand probe will be displayed in mV in this set-