Made in Germany
© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
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NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
8.2 User-specific Configuration
of the NFA
This part of the programm is made for the configuration of the NFA’s system file
“config.nfa” (on the SD memory card) with your personal settings.
Please connect your NFA (with inserted SD memory card) always by cable to
your computer, if you want to configure the system file “confic.nfa” wth
For starting this part of the program please click the button
The operation is self explanatory, if not the features are discribed it he relevant
chapters of the NFA’s manual.
This part of the software is still in a Beta-stadium and will constantly be upgraded.
The next features that are scheduled are:
The LED “< 2kHz” will be adjustable to a) display of the whole Band or b) every-
thing except 16.7Hz and the mains frequency with or c) without its 6 even and 6
uneven harmonics
The point “facilitate hands-free measurement” will be upgraded with an innova-
tive, digital “filter”, that will ignore movement-/vibration-induced frequency-
fragments. This is especially interesting in connection with the optional GPS-
The latest software revision will be available soon on our website. Up to then please
contact us by e-mail. Thank you!