Made in Germany
© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
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NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
„Edge Display“
The edge Display, i.e. the cross beam at the top of the diagram, facilitates the
search for anomalous variations of field intensities, e.g. to analyse „dirty power“. A
click on this option removes the beam from the screen.
„Set times“
A window for scaling the time-axis of the diagram to a dedicated time-frame.
Automatic – The Y-axis will be scaled automatically to give the best display of
the area selected for analysis.
Manual – you can define the section of the y-axis to be analysed. This helps, if
you are looking for small values (e.g. those over 2 kHz) “buried” under other very
strong intensities.
–zooms the x-axis out back to from the first to the last measurement in the file.
As an alternative to the mouse the”arrow”-buttons can be used for the same pur-
Set Edge Criteria
(Shortcut: “left mouse click” on the statistic data or the histogram in the window
This function allows to define the steepness / increment / threshold beyond which a
spike in the diagram will be marked also in the “Edge display” on top of the diagram.
This threshold can be selected individually for every channel. Meaningful values
have already been pre-selected as defaults.
When clicking „Set edge criteria“ the following window opens. Description:
Absolute increment = raise of the measured value
from point to point by more than... nT
Relative steepness = raise of the measured value
from point to point by more than a factor of ... .
Slope = raise by ... nT(or mG) / sec.. This criterion is
independent of the measuring intervals. A hypo-
thetical interval of 1 second would give that incre-
ment. This permits to compare results recorded
with different recording intervals.
Absolute threshold = any raise how ever small will
be flagged by this as long as it passes this thresh-
The selected criterion will be displayed in field „Channel“ together with the number
of edges per hour recorded in the time span being analysed. All numbers and mark-