Made in Germany
NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
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© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
2 Brief Instructions
The instructions below refer to the settings at delivery status.
They can be altered to
the customers need with the supplied software NFAsoft.
All Switches to their top Position!
(Auto, tRMS, M and On)
You can take this literally! This way you can already make meaningful measurements
without any further knowledge of the instrument´s scope of features.
On the display you now see the isotropic (3D)
magnetic field
and the frequency
LEDs above indicate the involved frequencies. The dominant axis is indicated by the
LED to the right of the display. That’s all, no more switches, buttons or activities.
To measure the
E-field with ground-reference
leave the 3D-field selection switch
, just connect the grounding cable and, if applicable, insert the TCO conform-
ing probe (optional accessory). The NFA detects this automatically and shows the
corresponding field-strengths and frequencies. ‘Clicking’ the ‘mode’ button you can
swap the display between this and the 3D magnetic field.
To get the
three dimensional potential-free electric field
, switch to
and hold the
instrument by a potential-free bar or support. The ‘mode’ button swaps between this
and the Z-axis of the magnetic field.
In short some further functions:
For the procedure for
data recording
please refer to chapter 6.3.
By selecting
starting from the tRMS position you can retain the highest meas-
ured tRMS
selected you can step through
h the three axes of the field selected before switching to XYZ.
The switch settings ‚Band’ and ‚Freq.’ allow a numerical display of the
band specific field strengths
. To navigate use the ‘mode’ but-
The more detailed description of these and all other features of the instrument and
the PC software can be found in the main operating manual below. In particular all
display features, LEDs and switch settings will be dealt with.