Date: 2021-08-17
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to open the configuration dialogue to define a job.
Feel free to assign as many jobs as you like to the event - SITEMANAGER 6 will trigger them according to the configuration.
The counter event:
Depending on the configuration of the event, jobs are executed as long as an event is pending or triggered and remain active
until a corresponding counter event is triggered.
A typical example would be an RCCMD shutdown with redundancy behaviour. The RCCMD client receives a command from the
SITEMANAGER to trigger a shutdown, but is still waiting for a CS141 that has not triggered the command.
In this case, the RCCMD shutdown must be withdrawn by the SITEMANAGER. This counter job will be configured accordingly
as a corresponding. Otherwise, the RCCMD client assumes that the command for shutdown is still active until RCCMD is
restarted manually by a user.
Depending on the type of event, there will be a specific canter event or an event pair like "Digital Contact 1 ON / Digital Contact
1 OFF" - If necessary, please remember to configure an according job.
Exception coming with the Job
Special feature of the JOB AUX:
For the CS141, a CON_R_AUX4 is an optional part to
provide fully featured outlets and inputs.
The SITEMANAGER 6 has this function already integrated.
As job, select AUX. The parameters will switch to provide
configuration options for outlets Port 1 - 8. Switched outputs
are displayed accordingly on the front side under Digital
Switch ON / Switch Off is displayed accordingly at the outputs on the front of the SITEMANAGER 6. If you switch the output to
off, both displays are switched off. Please note the caching problem of web browsers in this context:
If the front LED on the unit is switched off but is still on in the web interface, update the browser cache.
Creating a job
The jobs that can be executed are the same as those that can be triggered for the UPS events. By doing so, the
SITEMANAGER 6 allows full integration and to combine environmental control sensors with a UPS based warning and alarm
Please note that other sensors may provide different setting options depending on their function.