Chapter 9 Errors: Messages and removal
Errors: Messages and removal
Depending on the error type, errors that are diagnosed are displayed via the local
diagnostic indicators and/or transmitted to the safe controller (PROFIsafe) or the
configurable logic module (VersaSafe) as diagnostic messages.
The tables below provide an overview of the diagnosed errors, their causes, effects, and
possible measures for error removal.
For VersaSafe, please also refer to the documentation for the configurable logic module
In this manual, diagnostic codes are sorted in ascending order by error type. The following
errors are possible:
For every error that occurs, the cause of the error must first be removed. If necessary, the
error is then acknowledged. Errors that must be acknowledged are indicated in the
"Acknowledgment" column in the tables below.
Error removal
To remove the cause of an error, please proceed as described in the "Remedy" column in
the tables below.
Error acknowledgment
Instructions on how to acknowledge an error can be found in Section "Acknowledging an
error" on page 9-6.
Module replacement
following an error
If in the event of failure the safety module is replaced, please proceed as described in
Section 4, "Assembly, removal, and electrical installation" and Section "Restart after
replacing a safety module" on page 8-2.
Table 9-1
Overview of diagnostic codes
Diagnostic code
Error type
X020 ... X0B8
Safe digital relay output errors
X1F2 ... X1F4
General errors
X210 ... X3F3
Parameterization errors
PROFIsafe errors
If error codes are indicated by the system, which do not appear in the tables below,
please contact GE Intelligent Platforms.
WARNING: Unexpected machine startup
An operator acknowledgment leads to a positive edge and can thus result in the outputs
being re-enabled.