Chapter 1 For your safety
For your safety
Purpose of this manual
The information in this document is designed to familiarize you with how the IC220SDL840
safety module works, its operating and connection elements, and its parameter settings.
This information will enable you to use the module within a VersaSafe or PROFIsafe
system according to your requirements.
Validity of the user manual
This manual is only valid for the IC220SDL840 module in the version indicated on the inner
cover page.
General safety notes
Knowledge of the following is required:
The non-safety-related target system (PROFIBUS, PROFINET)
The VersaSafe or PROFIsafe system
The components used in your application
The VersaPoint product range
Operation of the software tools used
Safety regulations in the field of application
Qualified personnel
In the context of the use of the VersaSafe or PROFIsafe system, the following operations
may only be carried out by qualified personnel:
Configuration, parameterization, programming
Installation, startup, servicing
Maintenance, decommissioning
This user manual is, therefore, aimed at:
Qualified personnel who plan and design safety equipment for machines and systems
and are familiar with regulations governing safety in the workplace and accident
Qualified personnel who install and operate safety equipment in machines and
In terms of the safety notes in this manual, qualified personnel are persons who, because
of their education, experience and instruction, and their knowledge of relevant standards,
regulations, accident prevention, and service conditions, have been authorized to carry out
any required operations, and who are able to recognize and avoid any possible dangers.
WARNING: Depending on the application, incorrect handling of the safety module
can pose serious risks for the user
When working with the safety module within the VersaSafe or PROFIsafe system, please
observe all the safety notes included in this section.