PAC8000* IO PROFINET Scanner
User’s Manual–September 2017
Configuring PAC8000 PROFINET Scanner Parameters
After adding PAC8000 PROFINET scanner(s) to the PROFINET IO Controller in the
programmer, their parameters must be configured. Configuration details for basic parameters
are given in the following pages.
Basic Module Parameters
The PNS parameters define how the IO-Controller scans and stores the PNS data.
Default values are provided by the module’s GSDML file.
Input Data / Output Data:
The address in the IO-
Controller’s reference memory for the
module’s data.
The length of the input /output data is fixed and cannot be edited (Non
Additional Module Parameters
Additional module parameters vary, depending on the module type. Some modules have only
a few parameters. Others have several. The additional parameters that must be configured
for more complex modules are explained in the individual module documentation.
On Failsafe
When the module has outputs, this field specifies how the PNS will handle the
module’s output data if it loses communication with the IO-Controller. Select either Hold Last
State or Failsafe Value (For Analog modules) or ON/OFF (For Digital modules). This
selection has to be made for each channel in the module. If Failsafe Value is chosen, failsafe
values can be set up on a per-channel basis.
If the Failsafe time out is set to ‘0’, Failsafe is
PAC8000 analog and digital modules latch their last outputs when configured for
Hold Last State and hold that value as long as field power remains on to the module.
Clear Latch: These control bits of the module clears the Latch of the selected channel. If the
channel’s Latch is enabled in the configuration and got Latched to an input, by using the
corresponding bit user can clear the Latch. As long as the Latch Bit is set to 1 the Latch on
that channel will be disabled. This control bit is available to DI modules with pulse counters
Clear Counter: These control bits of the module clears the Counter of the selected channel. If
the channel’s Counter is enabled in the configuration and has been counting the pulses, by
using the corresponding bit user can clear the Counter. As long as the Clear Counter Bit is
set to 1 the Counting on that channel will be disabled.
Configuring the Module Parameters
Please refer to the PAC8000 IO
module’s manual (8000-2/x Series Modular I/O GFA-1779)
for configuration details