Series 90-30 PLC Installation and Hardware Manual
August 2002
Multiple Alphanumeric Display Coprocessors can be supported in a single Series 90-30 PLC
system with modular CPU (331 and higher) and must be located in the CPU baseplate. This
module has a single connector which supports two serial ports, with each port being dedicated to a
specific operation. Port 1 is most often used to connect to an RS-232 serial COM port of a
computer running GE PCM Development Software (PCOP). Alternately, port 1 may be
connected to a serial RS-232 printer (see the “Cables” section below.). By default, Port 2 is
configured as a 19.2 Kbaud RS-232 port. It can be used to interface to a terminal with keyboard
input and screen output.
Serial port programming and configuration are done using a Workmaster II, Workmaster, or an
IBM-compatible PC, XT, AT, or PS/2 computer with PCM Development Software (PCOP)
installed. The programming computer connects to Port 1 (see the “Cables” section below) . The
default setting is 19,200 bps. The PCM Development Software is used to configure the serial port
parameters and to install the CIMPLICITY 90-ADS software onto the ADC.
There are no DIP switches or jumpers on this board that need to be set for configuration. The ADC
module must be configured with the configuration software prior to use.
- This Wye cable is used to split out the two ADC port connections from the single
connector on the front of the ADC module. This cable is supplied with the module. Please see
Chapter 10 for details on this cable.
IC690CBL702 -
This cable provides a direct RS-232 connection between the ADC and another
serial device such as a Personal Computer. This cable is not supplied with the module. Please see
Chapter 10 for details on this cable.
Alphanumeric Display Coprocessor Module Documentation:
See the following manuals for detailed information on Series 90-30 Alphanumeric Display
Coprocessor Modules:
CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Alphanumeric Display System User’s Manual
CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Alphanumeric Display System Reference Manual
Series 90-30 PCM Development Software (PCOP) User’s Manual