PAC8000 Workbench Getting Started Guide
Additional tools may be installed to assist in communicating with other devices, such
as retrieving the order in which certain IO events occurred and communicating with
other devices via Modbus and/or OPC.
Sequence of Events
– Install this application if you are using a Discrete Input
Module with SOE capability or you are using the Event Recording Feature in
the controller. Please refer to the
Sequence of Events Getting Started
for installation information.
IAS Object Manager
– Install this application if you are using Industrial
Application Server from Invensys Wonderware and you would like the
Workbench to automatically generate objects. Please refer to the
IAS Object
Manager Getting Started Guide
for installation information.
8000 IO Configurator (Standalone Version)
– The 8000 IO Configurator is
installed as part of the PAC8000 Workbench. Install this standalone version if
you would like to configure IO on a machine, but do not require the additional
functionality of the Workbench. Please refer to the
IO Configurator Getting
Started Guide
for installation information.
AXE Comm Stats (Standalone Version)
– AXE Comm Stats is installed as
part of the PAC8000 Workbench. Install this standalone version if you need to
perform network troubleshooting on a machine where other Workbench
functionality is not required. Please refer to the
AXE Comm Stats Online
for additional information.
Universal IO Server (Limited Edition)
– A limited edition of the server is
installed with the PAC8000 Workbench; this version is only authorized to
communicate with PAC8000 Controllers. Install the full version if you are
authorized to communicate with other device types. Please refer to the
Universal Server Getting Started Guide
for installation information.
Engineering Library
– Install this application if you want to install a set of DXF
files that can be used to create panel drawings or other drawings to show the
layout and dimensions of the PAC8000 Hardware.
Communication DTM
– Installs Communication DTM for 8000 controllers.
GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc.
September 2010