CyScan Positioning System • Installation and Maintenance Guide r1.1
CyScan Installation
The CyScan Sensor is designed to be semi-portable. This allows it to be mounted in
different positions on the vessel to present the best view of the mooring point targets.
Commissioning the CyScan system ready for operation involves four basic stages:
• Unpacking the CyScan System
• Mounting the CyScan Sensor
• Wiring the CyScan System
• Connecting the CyScan Sensor
Unpacking the CyScan System
The whole CyScan system (comprising: main sensor unit, power supply and data con-
verter) are supplied and shipped in a custom-built flight case. Use the following proce-
dure to unpack and prepare the system elements ready for installation.
To unpack the CyScan system:
1 Position the CyScan flight case on a level surface, close to the area where the
sensor will be installed.
Warning: The CyScan Sensor and peripheral items weigh in excess of 30kg. Two
people, should perform all lifting and carrying of the unit.
2 Release the four locking
catches by rotating the
butterfly-wing tabs anti-
clockwise. Swing the
catches outwards until they
lock out, away from the
lower lip.
3 With the assistance of
another person, lift and
remove the upper lid of the
flight case.
4 You will now be left with
the base of the flight case and an inner box
containing the sensor. Check that the eight
screws attaching the lid of the inner box are
intact. With the assistance of another person,
hold the open sides of the lid and lift the inner
box out of the flight case base. You can then
place the inner box onto the ground or, if space
is limited, rotate it horizontally by 45 degrees
and place it onto the lip
of the flight case.
5 Using a crosshead
screwdriver, remove the
eight screws securing
the lid onto the inner
box and remove the lid.
Remove the flight case lid
Lift out the inner box
Remove the inner box lid