CyScan Positioning System • Installation and Maintenance Guide r1.1
Stage 3 - The Body Cover
To remove the Body Cover:
1 Using a 4mm AF hex key, loosen and remove
the outer ring of twelve M5 x 12 screws (and
their bonded seal washers) around the body
cover top plate.
2 On the underside of body cover, just above the
white bellows, locate the four lower retaining
screws. These four screws are recessed and are
placed at 90 degree intervals. Their positions,
when viewing from the top of
the sensor, are rotated 15
degrees anticlockwise from the
main Bow-Stern, Port-Star-
board axes of the sensor. Push
down the white bellows and
use a right-angled 4mm AF
hex key to loosen and remove
the four M5 x 25
bonded seals.
3 Raise the body cover up until
you have access to the lower
half of the controller board on
the starboard side of the
sensor. Locate the Case LEDs
connector on the controller board and disconnect
the socket housing from the plug.
4 Now lift the body cover and Case LEDs lead
vertically upwards and away from the sensor body.
Position of locking
bolt axis - roughly
from Bow-Stern
Locking bolt axis
To fit the Body Cover:
1 Smear a thin layer of silicone grease onto the two white rubber seals.
2 Orient the body cover so that the handles accurately line up with the Bow-Stern
axis of the sensor. The LED cable connector should be on
the same side as the main controller PCB.
3 Lower the body cover onto the sensor frame until
it is possible to attach the Case LEDs lead from
the cover to the corresponding connector on the
lower right hand side of the controller board.
4 Fully seat the body cover and ensure that its
twelve mounting holes line up with those in the
outer ring of the sensor motor gearbox top plate.
5 On the underside of the body cover, locate four
mounting holes which are spaced at 90 degree
intervals but whose axes are rotated 15 degrees anticlockwise from the main bow-
stern, port-starboard axes of the sensor (see position diagram above). Push down
the white bellows and insert a hex head bolt into each mounting hole. Finger
tighten the bolts and then use a right-angled 4mm AF hex key to tighten the four
M5 x 25 M5 bonded seals in a staged and even manner until all are tight.
6 Insert M5 x 12 hex head bonded seals into the twelve mounting holes
around the top of the body cover. Using a 4mm A/F hex key, tighten the twelve
screws in a staged and even manner until all are tight. When screws are secure,
smear a thin layer of silicone grease around the screw heads and washers to
maintain a watertight seal.
12 x bolts +
bonded seals
4 x bolts +
bonded seals