CyScan Positioning System • Installation and Maintenance Guide r1.1
B axis
A axis
Reflector Installation
Key to the operation of the CyScan system are correct installation of reflectors and accurate
information about their positions on the Mooring Point/Vessel. Please follow the guidelines
given below when installing target reflectors on the Mooring Point/Vessel.
Once the reflectors are installed, their relative positions should ideally be measured (by
theodolite using a fully qualified site surveyor) and declared to CyScan Console. Alterna-
tively, in many circumstances reflectors can also be automatically surveyed by the system,
however restrictions apply and navigation performance may be reduced. For details about
this process, please refer to the section
Defining Reflector Positions
, shown overleaf or
Using Mooring Point Data within CyScan Console
Installation tips
• All targets must be placed in positions where the sensor can see them while the
vessel is within the expected working area.
• Targets should not be placed too far along the Mooring Point/Vessel from the
expected working area.
• The sensor beam should not strike any flat target at an angle of less than 45
degrees to the reflector surface as the resulting
reflected beam will not be correctly received. The
laser power returned from the target at the maxi-
mum angle of 45 degrees can be reduced by 50%
and thus limit the effective maximum range by up
to 25%.
• Cylindrical targets can be viewed from any angle
equally well. However, it is important to place them
in such a way that they cannot be viewed from the
• Targets should be positioned with unequal spacing between them – this helps the
system to distinguish between specific targets. For example, with a typical mooring
distance of 40-80m using three targets, suitable spacings between the reflectors
would be 10m and 20m – giving a total spread of 30m.
• Targets should be placed no closer than 5m together. Ideally they should be placed
10m or more apart.
Reflector Orientation
The direction in which each reflector faces must be
declared to the CyScan Console. All measurements are
made using the direction of the reflector face relative
to the direction of the A axis. Using a centreline
running through the reflector, perpendicular to the
reflector face, the angle between this line and the A
axis is measured and declared to the system.