When the Electronic Compass is “ON”, the compass
icon will be displayed on the Map, Compass, and
Highway Pages.
Compass Page
The Compass Page is best used for navigation when a straight line course can
not be followed. The Compass Page has User Selectable Data Fields along the
top, a Status Bar, Compass Ring and a Pointer.
The Compass Page can navigate using the Electronic Compass or the GPS
receiver. From the factory the unit will navigate below 10 mph using the Elec-
tronic Compass. If the unit’s speed exceeds 10 mph, the unit will automatically
switch to the GPS receiver for navigation. When the unit’s speed drops below 10
mph for more than 90 seconds, the unit will revert to using the Electronic Com-
pass for navigation. These settings can be changed on the Main Menu ‘Compass’
Tab (see pages 47-48).
The Electronic Compass can easily be toggled On/Off by pressing and holding
key. A message will be displayed along the bottom of the screen indi-
cating the state of the Electronic Compass. Press the
key to acknowledge
the message. If you would like to save battery power, it is recommended that you
only turn the Electronic Compass on to take a reading then turn it back off. If the
Electronic Compass is turned off, the unit will automatically use the GPS receiver
for navigation.
The Compass Ring is a graphic display of your current heading. As you
change direction, the Compass Ring will rotate, your current heading will always
be at the top of the compass. The Pointer will always point toward the active des-
tination waypoint. When you are going directly toward the waypoint, the Pointer
will align with the vertical line in the Compass Ring. When you arrive at the
waypoint, a message ‘Arriving at Destination’ will be displayed. It is important to
note that while using the GPS receiver for navigation, the Compass Ring does not
act as a true compass. You must be moving for the Compass Ring and Pointer to
update and correctly point towards your destination. When using the Electronic
Compass for navigation, the unit must be held level or the compass reading may
be inaccurate. If the unit is not being held level, a message “Hold Level” will be
Compass Page
User Data Fields
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