NRI Grazing Land On-Site Data Collection
(03/23/20011) B-18
Time Zone
Use the ROCKER key to scroll through a choice list of time zones. Select “Other” then
choose a UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)) offset.
You will have to reset the time zone when you operate the Map 76 in a different time
Daylight Savings Time
Use the ROCKER key to scroll through a choice of Auto, Yes, or No. Auto uses the GPS
calendar to determine DST for a given location in the U.S.
If “Yes” is chosen then DST is displayed for the location. If “No” is chosen then DST is
not displayed. If Time Zone “Other” is chosen then DST will not be displayed at all.
Current Date
Determined from the GPS signal from space and is not accessible by users.
Current Time
Determined from the GPS signal from space and is not accessible by users.
Units Tab Options