NRI Grazing Land On-Site Data Collection
(03/23/20011) B-8
Map Page
Point Page
Highway Page
Route (or GoTo) page
The GPS Information page
Displays speed, elevation, accuracy, receiver status, satellite status, date, time, and
When the receiver receives 3 satellite signals it will report accuracy (estimated) and
speed. When it‟s receiving 4 satellites it will report elevation.
The Map76 displays several types of receiver status messages:
2D location – computing horizontal position based on 3 satellites.
3D location – computing horizontal and vertical position based on 4 or more
2D/3D differential location – computing positions using WAAS or other
differential corrections.
Simulating GPS – the receiver is running in simulator mode and is not receiving
GPS signals.
Satellite sky view – shows location of satellites in sky relative to location (in center)
of receiver. Satellites being tracked are plotted.
Satellite strength indicators bars display which satellites are being tracked and what
their relative strength is. Satellites used for navigation will be solid black. A “D” in
any given bar indicates presence of differential corrections.
You can toggle between a set coordinate system, such as UTM, and
degrees/minutes/seconds by toggling the ROCKER key up/down.
See Manual, Pgs. 23 & 24.
The Map Page