NRI Grazing Land On-Site Data Collection
(03/23/20011) B-12
Pointer Page (use with NAV key)
The pointer page is used for navigation when a straight line course can not be
The pointer page has:
User selectable data fields
Status bar (indicates which point being navigated)
Compass ring (graphic display of current track)
Pointer (points towards active waypoint)
After a waypoint is made active for navigation the waypoint name is displayed in the
status bar. As you change direction the compass ring will rotate – aligning your track
with the vertical line. As you change direction the pointer will always point toward
the active navigation waypoint.
When you are going directly toward the active waypoint the pointer is aligned with
the vertical line in the compass ring.
When you arrive at the waypoint an „Arriving at Destination‟ message will be
The compass ring is not a true compass – you must be moving for the pointer and
compass ring to work properly.
See Manual, pg. 33.
Highway Page (use with NAV key)
Used when a straight line course can be followed.
The page has user selectable data fields, a status bar, and a highway display.
Tracks and waypoints displayed on the map page will be present on the highway
The triangle represents current location relative to the active waypoint or track.