190-00356-00 Rev B
Flight Plans
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, above, untl all wayponts
for the flght plan have been entered. Once the
flght plan s created, t may be actvated from
an optons wndow. Actvatng the flght plan
wll place a copy nto “flght plan 00” (the
orgnal flght plan stll resdes n the flght
plan catalog). It replaces any flght plan whch
currently exsts n “flght plan 00.”
To activate the new flight plan:
1. On the Flght Plan Catalog page, press the
small right
knob to actvate the cursor. Rotate
large right
knob to hghlght the desred
flght plan.
2. Press the
key to dsplay the flght plan
catalog optons.
3. Turn the
small right
knob to select “Actvate
Flght Plan?” and press
Select “Activate Flight Plan?” from the page
menu to begin using the new flight plan.
190-00356-00_0B.indd 22
9/7/2007 2:49:04 PM