EdgeSafe 40G Bypass Modular Network TAP | M40GBP
Version 1.6 Page 80 of 159
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6.53 WEB user
The command controls the WEB user name and password used for WEB interface logging.
Default WEB user name: admin
Default WEB user password: gtadmin1
WEB user name length can be from 5 to 30 characters.
WEB user password length can be from 8 to 60 characters.
6.53.1 Get WEB user name
WEB user name can be retrieved by command “get_web_user”.
6.53.2 Set WEB user name
WEB user name can be set by command “set_web_user”.
6.53.3 Set WEB user password
WEB user password can be set by command “set_web_user_psw”.
6.54 Multi configuration mechanism
The user can save and restore several (~100) different configurations of the M40GBP parameters.
The M40GBP saves these different configurations on internal flash memory (~1 MB).
Configuration can be saved locally or on remote server by SCP protocol.
To work with remote server should be used additional parameter:
6.54.1 Display saved M40GBP configurations.
Command “get_list_conf” used for display the local saved M40GBP configurations.
6.54.2 Save M40GBP configuration.
Command “save_conf’ used for local and remote saving the M40GBP configuration.
M40GBP$ get_web_user
web user: admin
command succeeded.
M40GBP$ set_web_user customer
command succeeded.
set_web_user_psw OLD NEW - set web user password (8 - 60 characters).
M40GBP$ get_list_conf
saved configurations:
command succeeded.
M40GBP$ save_conf cust2_31
command succeeded.