37-1-615 Page 7
Although Gardner Denver blowers are sturdy, precision-engineered machines, there are several relatively
simple but basic installation and maintenance procedures that must be observed to assure optimum
performance. As there is no guesswork in the manufacture of these highly advanced units, there must be
none in preparing them to get the job done in the field. It is the purpose of this manual to help you
properly install, maintain and service your Gardner Denver blower. It is important that no section be
overlooked when preparing to install your blower.
Follow the instructions carefully and you will be rewarded with years of trouble-free operation.
Before uncrating, check the packing slip carefully to be sure all the parts have been received. All
accessories are listed as separate items on the packing slip, and small important accessories such as
relief valves can be overlooked or lost. After every item on the packing slip has been checked off,
uncrate carefully. Register a claim with the carrier for lost or damaged equipment.
Customers are cautioned to provide adequate protection, warning and safety equipment
necessary to protect personnel against hazards involved in installation and operation of this
equipment in the system or facility.
Your Gardner Denver Blower was packaged at the factory with adequate protection to permit normal
storage for up to six (6) months.
If the unit is to be stored under adverse conditions or for extended periods of time, the following additional
measures should be taken to prevent damage.
Store the blower in a clean, dry, heated (if possible) area.
Make certain inlet and discharge air ports are tightly covered to prevent foreign material from
entering the air box.
All exposed, non-painted surfaces should be protected against rust and corrosion.
Provide adequate protection to avoid accidental mechanical damage.
In high humidity or corrosive environments, additional measures may be required to prevent
rusting of the blower internal surfaces.
To prevent rusting of gears, bearings, etc., the oil reservoirs may be filled with normal
operating oil.
Before running the blower, drain the oil and replace to the proper operating level with clean,
fresh lubricant.
Rotate the blower shaft (10 to 25 turns) monthly during storage. Inspect the blower shaft
(near the shaft seal area) monthly and spray with rust inhibitor if needed.
For long term storage (over six (6) months), contact Gardner Denver Compressor Division
Customer Service for recommendations.