37-1-615 Page 46
23. Remove tape from the shaft holding the bearing spacers in place. Tap the spacer to be sure it is
solidly against the end of the rotor. This is important for the next measurement. With a depth
micrometer on the same parallel bar used above, measure the distance to the end of the bearing
spacer, FIGURE 7-22.
24. Slide the protective installation sleeves over each shaft. Install the green outside diameter oil seal
(88) on the gate rotor shaft, (FIGURE 7-23) and the red outside diameter oil seal(87)on the main rotor
shaft. The dirt lip and the rotation arrow should be down. Drive the seal flush with the bottom of the
oil channel cast inside of the bearing bore. Remove installation sleeves.
25. Slide enough shims (22, 23) over the shafts,
, up against the end of the bearing spacer
(16, 17) until the reading is .008
” to .013” LESS than the reading in Step 22. This will give .008” to
” running clearance between the inner race flange and the end of the bearing rollers.
26. Install the roller assembly of the bearing (31, 32) in the bore of the carrier with the numbered side out.
Coat the inner race of the bearing and shaft with oil.
Slide the inner race of the bearing on the
shaft with the flanged end out.
Assemble the press plate and jack screws as shown and press the
inner race over the shaft solidly against the shims and bearing spacer, FIGURE 7-25. Tighten the
nuts on the jack screws evenly to prevent cocking of the race.