37-1-615 Page 41
11. Coat the I.D. of the shaft seals in the discharge end bearing carrier with
“Moly” type grease.
Remove bearings from the carrier. Tag bearings so they will be reassembled in the same bearing
bore from which the measurement was made. Match the cavity of the carrier, FIGURE 7-7, with
the discharge opening of the housing FIGURE 7-11, and lower the carrier, suspended plumb, in
place on the housing. Be careful not to damage I.D. of the shaft seal by the shaft extension. Be
sure there are no shaft shims in place during this operation as sharp edges of shims will damage
the seals. Tighten the carrier (5) to housing (1) with screws and lockwashers (50, 55) evenly to
prevent damage to dowel pin holes.
12. With the dial indicator attached as shown in FIGURE 7-12, check the total end clearance. Set the
indicator on zero and lift the rotor with a hoist until the end of the rotor strikes the face of the
discharge end bearing carrier. The reading of the indicator will be the total end clearance and
should match dimensions listed in the clearance chart, FIGURE 7-8. If the indicator reading
differs from the chart and allowable tolerance, repeat Step 11 and 12 as well as check for burrs
giving false readings.
Due to allowable machining tolerance of the rotor lengths, there may be cases where one
rotor will be within limits and the other slightly over or under.
13. All internal oil seals are directional lip seals. They must be installed in the correct location and
with proper orientation.
Apply RTV sealant below the o-ring. Expulsion port positioned towards the bottom of the unit.