FocalPoint™ Gateway
Installation & Operation Manual
P/N: 52649
Rev: B3
A Gamewell/FCI fire alarm control panel contains power-
limited circuits. You cannot connect external sources of
power to these circuits without invalidating their approval.
Verify that wiring sizes are adequate for all initiating device
and notification appliance circuits. Most devices cannot
tolerate more than a 10% drop from the specified voltage.
The installer must ensure that the wiring and devices
installed in the system meet the current National Electrical
Code, NFPA 70, and all applicable state and local building
code requirements.
Use the conductor size and type required by local codes
(see NFPA 70, Article 760). Wiring resistance must not be
more than that shown on the field wiring diagrams.
To reduce errors and help in servicing the system, all
conductors should be labeled or otherwise coded and
logged at installation to identify circuit assignment and
polarity. If the conductors are logged with a code, keep the
log that explains the code with the manual, so that it is
available to other people working on the panel.
Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may
operate erratically or be damaged when subjected to
lightning induced transients. Although no system is
completely immune to lightning transients and interference,
proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. Gamewell/FCI
does not recommend the use of overhead or outside aerial
wiring due to the increased susceptibility to nearby lightning
strikes. Consult with the Gamewell/FCI Technical Support
Department if any problems are anticipated or encountered.
To prevent the spread of fire, use proper patching materials
to areas where system wiring passes through fire-rated
walls or floors.
Per the National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72, all circuits
necessary for the operation of the notification appliances
shall be protected until they enter the evacuation signaling
zone that they serve. Any of the following methods shall be
considered acceptable as meeting these requirements:
A two-hour rated cable or cable system.
A two-hour rated enclosure.
Performance alternatives approved by Authority
Having Jurisdiction.
To keep your fire alarm system in excellent working order,
ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturer’s
recommendations and UL and NFPA Standards, and
applicable state and local codes. At a minimum, the
requirements of Chapter 7 of NFPA, the National Fire Alarm
Code, shall be followed. A preventative maintenance
agreement should be arranged through the manufacturer’s
local representative. Though smoke detectors are
designed for long life, they may fail at any time. Any smoke
detector, fire alarm system, or any component of that
system shall be repaired or replaced immediately.
To ensure proper system operation, this product must be
tested in accordance with NFPA 72, Chapter 7. Re-
acceptance testing is required after any modification, repair,
or adjustment to system hardware, wiring, or programming.
All components, circuits, or system operations known to be
affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to
ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected,
at least 10% of initiating devices that are not directly
affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices,
must also be tested and proper system operation verified.
Equipment used in the system may not be technically
compatible with the control panel. It is essential to use only
equipment Listed for service with the control panel.
The equipment was tested according to EC directive
89/336/EEC for Class A equipment and was verified to the
limits and methods of EN 55022. FCC WARNING: This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with this instruction manual, may cause
interference to radio communications. It has been tested
and found to comply with the limits for Class A computing
devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules,
which is designed to provide reasonable protection against
such interference when operated in a commercial
environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user
will be required to correct the interference at his own
Canadian Requirements:
This digital apparatus does not
exceed the Class A limits for radiation noise emissions from
digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of
the Canadian Department of Communications. This Class A
digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits
radioelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils
numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le Reglement sur le
brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des
Communications du Canada. Cet appareil numerique de la
classe A est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
If these instructions are not clear, or if additional information
or clarification is needed, please consult your local
authorized Gamewell/FCI distributor.
Because of design changes and product improvements, the
information in this manual will be subject to change without
notice. Gamewell/FCI reserves the right to change
hardware and/or software design, which may subsequently
affect the contents of this manual. Gamewell/FCI assumes
no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
Neither this manual nor any part of it may be reproduced
without the advance written permission of Gamewell/FCI.