2). Joysticks operation
In any axial movement of Joystick#1 and Joystick #2, users can manipulate
the relay configuration via software that joysticks could be arbitrarily set at
any speed.
For example, as Fig. 6-1-2 shown, when operating the Joystick “1Y North” to
1-speed the RY7 energizes; at 2-speed, the RY7 & RY8 energize; at 3-speed,
the RY7, RY8, and RY9 energize, as the same theory as for the rest.
By modifying through software, each of the axis of Joystick #1 and
Joystick #2 can reach maximum 16 relay outputs.
Fig. 6-1-2
The fixed relationship between Relays and the wire number showing
on cable assemblies
The number showing on cable assembles corresponds with the number of
the relay contacts. For example, cable assembly 1-1 (Cable #1; Wire #1)
connected with Relay1; cable assembly 1-12 (Cable #1; Wire# 12)
connected with Relay12; cable assembly 2-5 connected with Relay25
(Cable #2; Wire #5); cable assembly 2-20 (Cable #2; Wire #20) connected
with Relay 40. (Please refer the “SAGA1- L40 wiring Diagram” as below)