2). The number of being used relay(s) of Pushbuttons and selected switches
should always be determined initially.
As the number of being used relay on pushbuttons & selected switches has
been finalized, then the remaining relay(s) will be available assigned to axes
of joystick #1 & Joystick #2 (1Y, 1X, 2 Y, 2X) in accordance with following
priority sequence as item 3. Shown.
3). Listed in order of precedence in Pushbuttons, selected switches, and
First Priority
Pushbuttons: R0/Start (Highest) — R1 (Lowest)
Second Priority
Selected Switches: SW1A; S W1B (Highest) —- SW2A; SW2B (Lowest)
Third Priority
Joystick #1: Y- Axis (Highest) — X- Axis (Lowest)
Last Priority
Joystick #2: Y- Axis (Highest) — X- Axis (Lowest)
Remaining relay(s) is always entitled to a higher- priority. For
example: assuming only two more relays remained, Joystick #1 got a higher
privilege than Joystick # 2; Y-Axis got a higher privilege than X-Axis.
4). Finally, a schematic “preview connection diagram” (As page-19
Fig. 2-8-
1shown.) will automatically be created as a wiring reference after relay
configuration and function settings have been completed.
6-4. Illustration A
1). Hypothetical Conditions:
Pushbuttons (R1, R0/Start) & Selected Switches (SW1, SW2) are being
selected, and each axis of Joystick #1 and Joystick #2 will reach 12 relays
2). The result of rely configuration:
The relay configuration would be as following:
R0/Start reaches Relay1
R1 reaches Relay2
etc… and Joystick #1 Y-Axis
would reach Relay7 to Relay18
Joystick #1 X-Axis would reach Relay19 to
Relay30 ; Joystick #2 Y-Axis would only reach 10 relays, Relay31 to Relay40
X-Axis of Joystick #2 would reach none relay due to the limit number of
relays( 40 ) and its priority sequence ( X-Axis of Joystick #2 owns lower