Fulton Ltd
Page 16
Remote Stop.
The Remote Stop option allows the customer to fit a remote stop pushbutton / contact. An open
contact will stop the boiler. It should be wired between terminals 13 & 15 as shown. If a Remote
Alarm panel is fitted, wire the remote stop between terminals 13 & 14.
A factory fitted link must be removed to use this option (Contact Rating 230V 4A Min.).
Common Alarm Contact.
A Common Alarm Volt Free Contact is provided for giving a Remote Common Alarm signal or
connecting to a site BMS system. (Contact Rating 230V 5A).
Pump Interrupt.
A Pump Interrupt option allows the customer to fit a remote switch to interrupt the boiler feed
water pump. Switch should be an open contact to interrupt the pump operation. A factory fitted
link must be removed to use this option.
Bottom Blowdown Valve.
Connect the Bottom Blowdown valve as shown. A controller in the control panel will then allow
automatic bottom blowdown to occur on a time basis. The contact gives feed back to the
controller that blowdown valve has opened and closed as required. (Valve supply Max. rating
250V 3A resistive, 250V 1A inductive. Valve switch contact rating 230V 10A Max.).
TDS Solenoid Valve.
Connect the TDS Solenoid valve as shown. A controller in the control panel will then allow
automatic TDS blowdown to occur as required by monitoring the TDS in the boiler. (Valve supply
Max. rating 250V 3A resistive, 250V 1A inductive).
Blowdown Alarm.
The blow down alarm is triggered if a high TDS value is measured or if bottom blowdown is
triggered but the valve contact does not open within a specified time indicating a valve failure.
(Max. rating 250V 3A resistive, 250V 1A inductive).
Fan Dilution Pressure Switch.
Depending on the installation, a Flue dilution system and/or a plant room ventilation system
may be required. These are safety features to prevent a high contamination of flue gasses in
the system. Pressure switches are fitted within the systems to ensure that the required fans are
running, hence diluting the flue gasses. If the fans fail, a pressure switch will operate to stop the
boiler and prevent further contamination occurring. A factory fitted link must be removed to use
this option (230V).
Remote Alarm Panel.
A remote alarm panel to suit 1,2 or 3 boilers can be fitted in a manned gatehouse. The panel will
give an indication of a boiler alarm being triggered and also has the ability to remotely stop the
individual boilers.
Water softener.
A water softener can be powered from the boiler control panel. (230V, 2A Max.).
Feed Tank Level Control.
A Feed tank level control panel can be powered from the boiler control panel. It controls the level
of feed water in the feed water tank if fitted. (230V, 2A Max.).
Feed Line Chemical Dosing.
A Feed line chemical dosing unit can be powered from the boiler control panel. (230V, 2A Max.).