Fulton Ltd
Page 14
It is advisable for dual fuel burners, that the offline fuel is manually isolated with a proof of closure
microswitch that is interlocked with the online control circuit.
e.g. gas supply proof of closure interlocked with the oil burner control circuit. Oil supply proof of closure
interlocked with the gas burner control circuit.
The golden rule with LPG fuels is therefore when in doubt, under fire, ensuring that there is
adequate adjustment remaining on the air inlet damper for additional air, and that the exhaust gas
analysis readings are 0 - 10 ppm of CO maximum, with CO2 in the range 9.0 - 10.0 % maximum.
Do not attempt to set up an LPG fired burner without a flue gas analyser.
The positioning of the oil storage tank will be dependent on site conditions and local regulations.
The burner fuel pump is of the bypass type requiring the installation of feed and return lines
between the oil storage tank and the boiler. These lines should be in tubing of a minimum bore of
10 mm - 15 mm.
A fire valve, stop valve and check valves should be inserted in the oil feed line.
To avoid blockages in the fuel pump and burner nozzle, a metal cartridge oil filter should be fitted.
Fibrous cartridge filters are not recommended.
The final connections between the fuel pump and the feed and return lines should be made with
the flexible fuel lines supplied. If the oil storage tank is positioned higher than the boiler, a non-
return valve should be fitted to the return line.
To overcome suction problems at the fuel pump, all vertical lifts in the feed pipe should be made
as close to the boiler as possible. The burner fuel pump pressure is pre-set at the factory and
should not require adjustment.