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Clear 34: Serial communication error between Controller /Interface PCB.
Hydraulic Unit LED:
Green 3 fl ash / Red 2 fl ash
Outdoor Unit LED:
No fl ashes
Probable causes:
• Misconnection.
• External cause.
• Main PCB failure
• Interface PCB failure
1-1. Stop the system and start it again (disconnection time 1min):
Is the error still displayed?
1-2. Check for external causes:
- Check for any equipment generating harmonic
waves which interfere with the communication
between the Main PCB and the Interface PCB
(Neon light bulb or any electric equipment which
causes harmonic waves).
2. Check the connections:
- Check the connection between the Main PCB
and the Interface PCB.
- If there is an abnormal condition, correct it
by referring to Installation manual.
Waterstage / Maintenance Manual / 2105 - EN