Remote management controller
IP address
Enter the IP address of this server's remote management controller.
User ID
Enter the ID of a remote management controller user account with administrative authority over this server.
Enter up to 16 characters, including alphanumeric characters and symbols (ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e).
Enter the password of the above remote management controller user account.
Enter up to 16 characters, including alphanumeric characters and symbols (ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e).
This field can be omitted if no password has been set for this user account.
Association with server management software (ServerView)
For PRIMERGY BX servers
Select [Enable] and enter an [SNMP Community].
For servers other than PRIMERGY servers
Select [Disable].
By default, [Enable] is selected.
SNMP Community
Enter the SNMP community that was set on this server.
Select either "public" or enter an arbitrary string.
Enter a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Admin LAN
IP address
Enter the IP address used by this server on the admin LAN.
MAC address (NIC1)
Enter the MAC address of this server's admin LAN network interface.
Enter a physical MAC address in either one of the following formats: hyphen-delimited ("xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx"), or colon-
delimited ("xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx").
MAC addresses will be automatically detected when the [Register agent] checkbox is selected.
SAN Boot/Admin LAN Redundancy
[Use Admin LAN redundancy] checkbox
Check this when performing redundancy for the NIC on the admin LAN.
MAC address (NIC2)
Enter the MAC address of the second admin LAN network interface. This network interface is to be used by the HBA address
rename setup service, or to enable admin LAN redundancy on the registered server.
Enter a physical MAC address in either one of the following formats: hyphen-delimited ("xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx"), or colon-
delimited ("xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx").
This field can be omitted in the following cases.
- When not using the HBA address rename setup service
- When not using GLS for admin LAN redundancy on the managed server
- For a spare server whose primary servers are not using admin LAN redundancy
Admin LAN Redundancy
[Use Admin LAN redundancy] checkbox
Check this when performing redundancy for the NIC on the admin LAN.
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