Step 6 continued: Install inlet and outlet pipes using primer and cement. For commercial systems
with 5” inlet and outlets, you may use 5”: 4” eccentric reducer adapters included with system. (Note:
CE14 units have 4” inlets and outlets). Install adapters with thin edge down. Apply primer and
cement to 4” PVC pipe sections to inlet and outlet.
Step 6: Backfill about 3/4 way up tank in layered, compacted 6” lifts using sand, stone dust,
peastone or equivalent material that form-fits into tank corrugations. Keep backfill material
damp to assure compact backfill and reduce settling risk. Do not use backfill material that
contains rocks.
Please note: To ensure tank water tightness, check in 24 hours to be sure that the water level
has not dropped. Contact your distributor or FujiClean USA if water level has dropped.
Step 5: Fill tank with fresh water to the low water line in ALL 3 chambers.
Note: Start with center chamber and alternate chambers while filling for evenly balanced fill.
Recheck that tank is level to 1/8” per 2 feet (10mm per 2 meter or 1/200), (fore and aft as well as
side to side), as tank balance may have been altered after it is filled with water.
Use high/low water level
decal as water marker