7 - 9
Logging recording (logging)
• In this case, there is no analog trend recording but a record of data (the time channel Nos., measured
values, units) is produced at specified intervals of time (10 to 60 minutes can be specified.)
• If there is detection or clearing of an alarm during logging print-out, this is printed on the right-hand
side of the recording paper. (Example of print-out: Section 11.9)
Periodic print-out
• The following items are printed out at set intervals in depending on chart speed.
Time line, time, chart speed, channel Nos., measured values, engineering units.
• This print-out is effected alternately with scale print-outs.
• It is not effected if the periodic print-out is set to "OFF".
Scale print-out
• Scale lines, digits, unit and Tag Nos. are printed out at set intervals.
• This print-out is effected alternately with periodic print-outs.
• It is not effected if the scale print-out is set to "OFF".
• If both scale print-out and periodic print-out are set to "ON", the print-outs are effected alternately at
set intervals.
Periodic print-out and scale print-out time intervals sub heading
The time intervals of print-outs vary depending on the chart speed.
In the case of continuous recording
Chart speed (mm/h)
5 to 9
10 to 19
20 to 39
40 to 79 80 to 159 160 to 239 240 to 320
Print-out time interval
12 h
8 h
4 h
2 h
1 h
30 min
20 min
Chart speed (mm/h)
321 to 480 481 to 1500
Print-out time interval
15 min
10 min
Chart speed (mm/h)
5 to 9
10 to 19
20 to 39
40 to 79 80 to 159 160 to 239 240 to 320
Print-out time interval
12 h
8 h
4 h
2 h
1 h
30 min
20 min
Chart speed (mm/h)
321 to 480 481 to 1500
Print-out time interval
15 min
10 min
When the chart speed exceeds 301mm/h, only the time line is recorded.
Periodic print-out and scale print-out are not effected.
In the case of intermittent recording type
When the chart speed exceeds 51mm/h, only the time line is recorded.
Periodic print-out and scale print-out are not effected.
Note: If the time for a periodic print-out or scale print-out arrives while data printing or other list
printing is in progress, the periodic print-out or scale print-out is not made.
If data print-out is started while a periodic print-out or scale print-out is in progress, the
periodic print-out or scale print-out is halted partway through.