Operator’s Manual: ThermoJet
Chapter 5: Display Screens
© SP Industries, Inc.
200-31974-999 Rev. 009
4. Compressor Status Screen-
From the Set-Up screen (Fig. 20), select the Compressor
Status button and the screen depicted below will display. The Compressor Status screen was
developed for troubleshooting purposes. The screen provides the system compressor status
(On / Off) as well as the cascade condenser and heat exchanger temperatures. Upon system
start up, the high stage compressor will turn on. The high stage compressor will only turn off
during an alarm state or if the system enters maintenance mode. The low stage compressor does
turn on until the cascade condenser temperature reaches -35ºC. If the cascade condenser
warms up to -15ºC, or greater the low stage compressor will turn off. Once the heat exchanger
temperature reaches -85ºC, the system can achieve its full operating range.
Figure 23 – Compressor Status Screen
5. Heater Output Values Screen
– from the Set-Up screen (Fig. 20), select the Heater
Output Values button and the screen following will display. The NLTC process is designed to
configure the THJ80 to your facilities voltage. We know that this process is long and tedious. In
an effort to not make it so the NLTC process does not have to be re-run for an individual
temperature or air flow, FTS developed the Heater Output Values. Here you can make small
incremental changes to the heater output to make it exactly match your facilities voltage.
However, if problems reside with multiple temperatures, or airflows, FTS recommends that the
NLTC process be rerun.
Compressor Status Screen
Main menu buttons