IP setting
: Click to select the check box, which includes “Static” or “DHCP”. When set to Static IP
address an advance setting page will open-up with the sub menu items below. Click in the input
field to add a value.
IP address
: Click in the input field to fill out the 4 fields.
: Click in the input field to fill out the 4 fields. Set the default Getway to the IP-
address of the router (Must be on the local subnet. it can’t be If no router on the local
subnet, then just set it to any IP address on the subnet. )
Network prefix length
: Click in the input field to fill out the number. Default is 24.
, Click in the input field to fill out the appropriate for the local.
. Click in the input field to fill out the appropriate for the local.
When finished, click the “Set” to save and return. Or click “Cancel”.